Unlocking the Secrets of the Different E-commerce Promotion Types on Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia

Written by Anchanto


Are you an online seller looking to boost your sales on Shopee, Lazada, or Tokopedia? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Promotional strategies are an excellent way to grab customers’ attention and encourage them to purchase your products. In this article, we will unlock the secrets behind the different e-commerce promotion types offered by the leading e-commerce platforms- Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia.

Whether you’re a new seller or an experienced one, understanding the various promotion types can give you a competitive edge in attracting more customers and driving conversions. From flash sales to free shipping, vouchers to bundle deals, each platform offers a unique set of promotional tools to help sellers stand on their platforms.

By exploring the different promotion types on Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia, we’ll uncover the strategies that can propel your online business to new heights. We’ll discuss the strengths and limitations of each platform’s promotions and provide practical insights into:

  • Understanding E-commerce Promotion Types on Shopee
  • Exploring E-commerce Promotion Types on Lazada
  • Unveiling the Different E-commerce Promotion Types on Tokopedia
  • Comparison of Promotions on Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia
  • Tips for Successful Promotions on E-commerce Platforms
  • Promotional Strategies for Different Product Categories
  • Tools and Resources for Optimizing Promotions on E-commerce Platforms
  • Conclusion: Leveraging the Power of Promotions on Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia

Understanding the E-commerce Promotion Types on Shopee

Shopee, the largest Non-Chinese online marketplace in Asia [1], offers a wide range of e-commerce promotion types to help sellers attract more customers and drive sales. One popular promotion type on Shopee is “flash deal campaigns” [2] or flash sales [3], where you can offer limited-time discounts on selected products. Flash sales create a sense of urgency and scarcity, encouraging customers to make a purchase quickly. Additionally, Shopee promotes flash sales through banners and push notifications to increase visibility.

Another effective promotion type on Shopee is the use of vouchers [4]. For instance, you can create various types of vouchers, such as storewide discounts, category-specific discounts, or buy-one-get-one deals. These vouchers can be distributed through social media, email marketing, or Shopee’s in-app promotions, enticing customers to make a purchase and increasing the chances of repeat business.


Shopee also offers free shipping promotions [5], allowing you to attract more customers by removing the shipping cost barrier. By offering free shipping, you can increase your product visibility and appeal to customers who are hesitant to make a purchase due to additional costs. This promotion type is especially effective in attracting new customers and driving conversions.

Exploring E-commerce Promotions on Lazada

Lazada, another major player in the SEA e-commerce industry, offers a variety of promotion types to help you stand out in the competitive marketplace. One popular e-commerce promotion on Lazada is the bundle deal [6] or as the platform calls it flexi combo, where you can combine multiple products into a discounted package. Bundle deals are attractive to customers as they offer value for money and the opportunity to try different products from the same seller. This promotion type can also help you increase your average order value and cross-sell related products.

Lazada also provides the option to participate in campaigns and events, such as their annual 11.11 and 12.12 sales [7]. These campaigns offer you a platform to showcase your products and reach a wider audience. By participating in Lazada’s campaigns, you can take advantage of the increased traffic and exposure to boost sales.

Additionally, Lazada offers sponsored search product listings [8], where you can pay to have your products appear at the top of search results. This promotion increases the visibility of your products, especially for competitive keywords or categories. By investing in sponsored product listings, you can increase your chances of attracting customers and driving conversions.

Unveiling the Different E-commerce Promotions on Tokopedia

Tokopedia, a leading e-commerce platform in Indonesia, provides you with various promotion types to help you succeed in their online marketplace. One popular promotion type on Tokopedia is the cashback promotion [9]. You can offer cashback incentives to customers, encouraging them to make a purchase and potentially become repeat customers. Cashback promotions create a win-win situation for both you and your customers, as customers get a discount on their purchase, while you increase sales and customer loyalty.

Another effective promotion type on Tokopedia is the flash sale [10]. Similar to Shopee, Tokopedia allows you to offer limited-time discounts on selected products to create a sense of urgency and drive sales. Flash sales can be promoted through Tokopedia’s homepage banners and push notifications, maximizing visibility and attracting more customers.

Tokopedia also offers daily deals [11], where you can showcase your products at discounted prices for a specific day. Daily deals create excitement and encourage customers to check Tokopedia regularly for new offers. By participating in daily deals, you can increase your product visibility and potentially gain new customers.

Comparison of Promotions on Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia

Each e-commerce platform offers various promotion types tailored to their target markets and seller needs. You must understand how their distinct user base responds well to these promotions and you must choose from these promotion options based on your strategy and budget. Analyze the demographics and shopping behaviors of your target audience on each platform. For example –

  • Shopee may be known for its younger, price-sensitive audience. In such a case you can consider promotions that appeal to this demographic like flash sales and discount vouchers.
  • Lazada may attract a diverse audience with a mix of high-end and budget shoppers. In such a situation, you can tailor your promotions to target different segments effectively.
  • Tokopedia may be popular among tech-savvy and quality-conscious shoppers. In this scenario, focus on value-driven promotions like cashback and exclusive deals.

Once you implement a promotion, it requires continuous monitoring and adjustment. Promotion strategies are not set in stone. So, regularly review your campaigns and make data-driven adjustments to improve performance. Experiment with various types of promotions to see what resonates best with your audience. This could include flash sales, bundling, or seasonal discounts. Digital Shelf Analytics can help you track your promotion’s performance against your competitor and help adjust your strategy to stay competitive. We’ll learn more about this in the following sections.

Tips for Successful Promotions on E-commerce Platforms

Now that we have explored the different promotion types on Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia, let’s dive into some practical tips to help you leverage these promotions effectively.

  • Understand your target audience: Before choosing a promotion type, it’s crucial to understand your target audience’s preferences and buying behavior. This will help you tailor your promotions to their needs and increase the chances of success. For example, you can test out different promotions like discounts, bundles, free shipping, etc., to see how consumers respond to them [12].
  • Set clear goals: Define your promotional goals, whether it’s to increase sales, attract new customers, or promote specific products. Having clear goals will guide your promotional strategies and help you measure success.
  • Monitor competition: Keep an eye on your competitors’ promotions and pricing strategies. This will help you stay competitive and adjust your promotions accordingly.
  • Optimize product listings: Ensure your product listings are optimized with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords. This will improve your product visibility and increase the chances of attracting customers.
  • Use social media and influencer marketing: Leverage social media platforms and collaborate with influencers to promote your promotions. This can help increase brand awareness and attract a wider audience.
  • Analyze data and adjust strategies: Regularly analyze sales data, customer feedback, and promotional performance. This will help you identify trends, optimize your strategies, and make data-driven decisions.

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Promotional Strategies for Different Product Categories

The promotional strategies you employ may vary depending on the product category you are selling. Here are some promotion suggestions for different product categories:

  • Fashion and beauty: Leverage flash sales and limited-time discounts to create a sense of urgency and encourage impulse purchases.
  • Electronics and gadgets: Offer exclusive bundle deals or cashback promotions to entice customers to make a purchase and increase average order value.
  • Home and living: Showcase daily deals and highlight discounted prices to create excitement and attract customers looking for bargains.
  • Food and beverages: Create vouchers and offer discounts on bulk purchases to encourage customers to stock up on your products.

By tailoring your promotional strategies to your specific product category, you can effectively attract customers and increase sales.

Tools and Resources for Optimizing Promotions on E-commerce Platforms

To optimize your promotions on Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia, you can leverage Anchanto and the resources provided by these platforms. Here are some examples:

  • Promotion management tools: Each platform offers tools to manage and track your promotions, allowing you to monitor performance, adjust settings, and analyze results.
  • Analytics and reporting: Utilize the analytics and reporting features offered by Anchanto Digital Shelf to understand your sales data, customer behavior, and promotional performance. This data can help you make informed decisions and optimize your promotions.
  • Advertising options: Consider investing in paid advertising options offered by the platforms, such as sponsored product listings or in-app banners, to increase your product visibility and reach a wider audience.

By utilizing Anchanto and platform resources, you can optimize your promotions and maximize their effectiveness on Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia.

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Conclusion: Leveraging the Power of Promotion on Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia

In this comprehensive blog, we have explored the different promotion types offered by Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia. Each platform provides promotional tools to help sellers attract customers, increase sales, and stand out in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

By understanding the strengths and limitations of each promotion type, and following the tips and strategies provided, you can unlock the secrets to successful promotions on these platforms. Whether you’re a new seller or an experienced one, leveraging the power of promotion types on Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia can propel your online business to new heights.

So, start exploring the promotion types on these e-commerce platforms, experiment with different strategies, and watch your sales soar.


1. What’s an e-commerce flash sale?

An e-commerce flash sale is a limited-time promotion where a retailer offers products at significantly reduced prices for a short duration, typically ranging from a few hours to a couple of days. These sales create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to make quick purchasing decisions, often resulting in a spike in sales and increased traffic to the online store.

2. What’s an e-commerce voucher?

An e-commerce voucher is a digital coupon or code that customers can use to receive discounts or special offers when making online purchases. These vouchers can provide various benefits such as percentage off, fixed amount discounts, free shipping, or other promotional deals, and are typically entered during the checkout process to apply the savings.

3. What’s a free-shipping promotion on e-commerce platforms?

A free-shipping promotion on e-commerce platforms is a marketing strategy where retailers offer to ship products to customers at no additional cost. This promotion can be applied to all orders, orders above a certain value, specific products, or during special sales events. Free shipping promotions are designed to attract more customers, reduce cart abandonment rates, and increase overall sales by eliminating shipping fees as a barrier to purchase.


[1] – Ecommercedb.com- Top Marketplaces in Southeast Asia 2024: Can Shopee Dominate the Region?

[2] – Seller.shopee.sg – Shopee Flash Deals Campaigns

[3] – Blog.hubspot.com – What is a Flash Sale in Ecommerce? 6 of Our Favorite Examples

[4] – En.wikipedia.org – Voucher

[5] – Seller.shopee.com.my – Introduction to the Shopee Free Shipping Programme

[6] – Sellercenter.lazada.com.my – Guidelines for Promotion Tools (Overview)

[7] – Lazada360.sg – Highlights of 11.11 Our Biggest Sale Of The Year 2023

[8] – Sellercenter.lazada.com.ph – Sponsored Search FAQs

[9] – Tokopedia.com/discovery/promo-bulan-ini

[10] – Assets.tokopedia.net/asts/Edukasi/Tutorial-Flash-Sale-Tokopedia-di-Aplikasi-Tokopedia-Seller.pdf

[11] – tokopedia.com/dailydealsid

[12] – Researchgate.net – A model of consumer response to two retail promotion techniques

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