ABX EXPRESS + ANCHANTO ABX Express shipping carrier integration is available on Anchanto products.
Established in East Malaysia in 1984, ABX Express is a shipping solution provider specializing in last-mile delivery. With the best interest of the clients at heart, ABX Express offers neutral and trustworthy services and actively put in resources to make their operations smoother. The carrier has over 37 years of experience as a courier service provider, 3000+ employees, 1000+ branches nationwide, and 2500+ vehicles operating daily across Malaysia. Their clientele ranges from eCommerce actors, SMEs, Multinational brands, Financial institutes, and International Express Companies.
ABX Express offers services for Business to Business (B2B), Business to Customer (B2C), Customer to Customer (C2C), and Cross-border solutions.
ABX Express integration is available on Anchanto Order Management
Shipping Carriers